How to Stop Overthinking and Rumination
I decided to write about overthinking and rumination after a coachee told me that she suffers from overthinking and read an article about “people like her…” (As if she belonged to an unlucky minority who suffer from this problem). Another coachee said that she believes not everyone has repetitive and disturbing thoughts. Men, who are […]
Why Do People Feel the Need to Demean Others
While we often have more or less than others: higher IQ, a bigger house, more money, fewer children, or fewer years of formal education, using such parameters to determine whether we are superior or inferior to others, more or less valuable as human beings, is something we all do. When we imply the inferiority of […]
How to Set Healthy Boundaries with Anyone
One of the most challenging things for most of us is boundaries. For some of us, this is a challenge in every aspect of our lives, for others only in one aspect. Often people say “I don’t know how to set boundaries!” and wonder what the right way to do it is. Although how to […]
How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills?
As a coach, I often meet managers who find themselves anxious and stressed when they have to deliver a presentation. I know how it feels. During my master’s degree studies, I fought with a good friend because I didn’t agree to deliver a presentation we prepared, after she had already done so. Once I even […]
4 Mindfulness Exercises for Inner Peace
Mindfulness, in essence, is the art of being present in the moment. It has been proven to help with stress and anxiety and to enhance happiness and inner peace. If you think that mindfulness practice is a complicated thing that requires lots of knowledge, today I will present to you 4 simple exercises that will […]
How to Become More Resilient
Resilience is the ability to bounce back emotionally from stressful situations and return to the emotional state we had before the stressful event. It’s also the ability to face life’s challenges while maintaining reasonable peace of mind and continuing to function in everyday life, which requires inner strength and emotional stability. Since life constantly creates […]
How to Stop Feeling You Are Not Enough?
The feeling that we are not “enough…” (successful, rich, pretty, educated, knowledgeable, popular, thin, or interesting) is not new to humans but these days it affects more and more young people and even children. They dread anything that might be considered evidence of their worthlessness and invest their time in a futile attempt to be […]
The Key to Wise Choices
Although in practice we are always making choices, the mental condition of not making a choice has a huge impact on our sense of happiness and satisfaction, and on our ability to recruit inner resources to support a desired change. The expression “one foot here and one foot there,” means to literally be in one […]
The Amazing Power of Non-reactivity
Reactivity is a communication pattern that resembles the exchange of verbal blows. This communication pattern is so deeply rooted in our culture that using it not only seems inevitable, but is often justified by statements such as, “I don’t want to be a sucker,” or, “But she deserved it!” Non-reactivity, on the other hand, is […]
How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Influence How People Treat You
We all teach those around us how to treat us, but often we do it unconsciously. We operate within a certain framework of standards that teaches others about our boundaries, we say what we expect of them but allow the exact opposite, or we easily give in to their wishes and demands. The fundamental flaw […]